German Construction: 'On these beams, we are building dreams’

About Us

'On these beams, we are building dreams’

German Construction is a energetic and dynamic construction company which has a proven track record in creating and adding value to property portfolios for both property owners and tenants. Our philosophy is believing in a collaborative approach where we engage all stakeholders in order to understand our client’s business objectives and create projects which best cater for their needs. Even if the construction company is new, each team member was chosen because of their years of experience working in the field and the head contractor was selected to lead the construction company due to his expertise.

Our Vision

To be a respectable building contractor delivering beyond expectation, always.

Our Mission

To produce projects at competitive pricing, provide safe working conditions and deliver quality work within a reasonable time frame.

Our Objective

To provide our clients with an “I am assured” experience when we are chosen to execute their projects. Our emphasis on clear communication and follow through procedures ensures that client’s objectives are top priority in the planning and execution of all our processes.

Quality Statement

German Construction (Pvt) Ltd provides quality infrastructure development in the form of building of housing projects, office facilities and community centers. It accesses and transforms policy into tangible, yet accessible information, which is disseminated to all tiers of government and local community structures. Excellent working relationships have been established with other key players in the industry, which have yielded great rewards.
Our Management Team

The business is driven by a management team that is involved in the business development, procurement, project management and administration of the company. The management team proactively gathers feedback, identifies changes in the business environment, reviews work processes and communicates key learning points and company policy to all staff at regular meetings.

Our People

Our people are crucial in the delivery of our services and solutions to our clients. in order to ensure that everyone is equipped with the right skills, knowledge and attitude, a comprehensive training programs is put in place to constantly upgrade our people in technical and management skills. We believe firmly in providing the right training, accredited certification and practical knowledge for our people, in order for them to execute their duties and responsibilities confidently. Our aim is to stay relevant to ever-changing market place and client’s requirements.

Occupational Health And Safety

We maintain high standards of safety and care is taken to educate our teams on the hazards of construction. The monitoring of personnel is taken seriously and all efforts are made to keep the working environment safe.

All personnel are issued with safety equipment, and should an accident occur, work is stopped immediately, management is informed and the necessary action is taken without any delay.

Management takes the safety and health policy as their participative responsibility and continued education and awareness is maintained. The working conditions are fair and the health of the work force is always considered in planning and executing a work plan.

Building Constructions & Repairs
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